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Habit hunter – Habit Diary v1.3.2 [Premium]
Requirements: 5.0+
Overview: Create a habit list to build good habits & healthy life style with Habit hunter


Feeling hard to break bad habits and build good ones? Habit hunter will bring you an easy and motivating habit-building journey! With this habit hunter app, a healthy & productive life style will no thirster be a dream!

Here are more features than you can expect! You can plan your daily habits, track goals, manage disturbance lists, and grow to be a better version of yourself. Our ultimate goal is to help you keep your motivation high, get property done and finally reinvent a brand new life style in JUST 30 DAYS!

β–Œ5 property you can do with TICK IT


Habits and daily goals can be fully custom-made exploitation the clear and neat interface! A predetermined library of the most essential and popular habits will help you find the start point of your journey.


Based on the scientifically proved 3-stage habit-building method, 10+ strictly designed journeys will make it happen and conquer all impossibilities in 30 days.


Stay focused and boost your productivity with the constitutional timer and white noises. besides, smart reminders will help properly schedule your habits for the entire day.


Detailed, intuitive and useful applied mathematics help you track and analyze your progress. Get yourself actuated by keeping your streak going and collection all accomplishment medals.

β˜… MULTITYPE disturbance LIST

Besides regular habits, you can besides plan a monthly or annual long-run habit or manage your one-time disturbance list.

β–Œ7 Top Reasons that you should transfer TICK IT

β˜… Want to say adieu to the office illness caused by inactive state and activate your body?

β˜… Fighting with sleep disorders and want to reconstruct a regular internal clock and improve sleep quality?

β˜… Feel listless in the morning and need a quick and efficient routine to boost your energy and assurance for the rest of the day?

β˜… Have an irregular diet and want to start a healthy life style through a fitter diet, fast or easy-to-follow exercises?

β˜… Feel difficult in disciplining your attention and want to be more focused and organized?

β˜… Lack of assurance and need more courageousness to overcome social fear?

β˜… Need to keep yourself relaxed and relieve inner and outer stresses in tough moments?

Habit hunter will be your personal coach and companion on your journey of all self-improvements including but not limited to: habit formation, fitness life style, productivity and concentration development. We will be happy to witness the great change in your life.

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