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Rakun APK2 Rakun APK1

Rakun Apk, like most of his friends, suffers from kleptomania. While he wanders through the forest looking for what to steal and what to do, he ends up in the center of the city where there are squares, Toki buildings and subway buses. The construction of the third bridge poses a problem.

Faced with financial hardship on the one hand and kleptomania on the other, our Reinforced Concrete hero Rakun flies into buildings at night, sometimes for fun and sometimes for food. He kept flying. On the 1st of every month, we donate seedlings along with advertising revenue on behalf of the top three players in the rankings. No animals were injured during the game development process.

Although we can’t see it, we have a huge bed that the animal fell into. The game’s hero Rakun; Most people suffer from kleptomania. That I have to do? I go for a walk in the forest because three bridges, buildings, toki and Metrobus are being built in the city center.

Lack of livelihood due to kleptomania leads to robberies in the middle of the night. The protagonist Raku sometimes steals from concrete buildings, sometimes just for fun, sometimes to make a living. On the first of each month, 1-3 plants of advertising revenue from various qualified players will be donated.

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