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Eurovision APP APK33 Eurovision APP APK3 Eurovision APP APK2 Eurovision APP APK1

The official Eurovision Song Contest App has been completely updated! Now it offers a whole new living experience that allows you to virtually enjoy the influence of your favorite artist from home.

The new app includes the content you need and all the content you need to enhance your Eurovision experience. In addition to the latest news and exclusive content about your favorite artists, the app has all the tracks, all the songs, the Eurovision App selfies and all the live news that actively participate in the show.

During live shows, the app becomes an ideal companion with live updates on e-filling artists. It will show you the lyrics of each song, country information and all the results that you can sing from home.

But the best part is that the app has a feature that will keep you happy at home! Hitting the joyful button like crazy, you hear the applause in person and the audience from all over the world after the performance.

The app is the easiest way to cast your vote and decide who will win the 67th Eurovision App Song Contest (local prices apply) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. After you cast your vote, you will receive a special message thanking you for your support.

The 2020 competition will be canceled due to the coronavirus epidemic, so a special edition will be held on May 18, 20 and 22, 2021. The most watched non-sports event in the world is expected to attract more than 200 million viewers.

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